
The books below are our most beloved; we recommend you read them as their stories push imagination to its fullest!


Scarlet Letter

In the Puritanical town of Boston, a single scarlet letter "A" brands a woman as an outcast. Hester Prynne, shunned by society for her forbidden passion, grapples with the weight of her sin while striving to protect the identity of her secret lover. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, "The Scarlet Letter" unravels a riveting tale of love, betrayal, and the enduring power of the human spirit.


Great Expectations

In the foggy marshlands of 19th-century England, young Pip encounters an escaped convict whose demands will alter the course of his life forever. With a mysterious benefactor guiding his every move, Pip navigates the treacherous waters of Victorian society in pursuit of wealth, love, and self-discovery. Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations" weaves a timeless tale of ambition and betrayal.


Knjige u nastavku su naŔe najdraže; preporučujemo da ih pročitate jer njihove priče tjeraju maŔtu do kraja!


Scarlet Letter

U Puritanskom gradu Bostonu, jedno grimizno slovo "A" označava ženu kao izopćenicu. Hester Prynne, koju druÅ”tvo izbjegava zbog svoje zabranjene strasti, bori se s težinom svog grijeha dok nastoji zaÅ”tititi identitet svog tajnog ljubavnika. Dok napetosti rastu i tajne se razotkrivaju, "Scarlet Letter" razotkriva uzbudljivu priču o ljubavi,izdaji i trajnoj snazi ljudskog duha.


Great Expectations

U maglovitim močvarama Engleske 19. stoljeća, mladi Pip susreće odbjeglog robijaÅ”a čiji će zahtjevi zauvijek promijeniti tijek njegova života. Uz tajanstvenog dobročinitelja koji vodi svaki njegov korak, Pip plovi podmuklim vodama viktorijanskog druÅ”tva u potrazi za bogatstvom, ljubavlju i samootkrivanjem. "Great Expectations" Charlesa Dickensa pletu bezvremensku priču o ambiciji i izdaji.